Terms and Conditions

Last Updated: 26.08.2024

This website is operated by Ajeej capital (DIFC) Limited – amplifygrowth.partners (the “Website”). Your use of this Website, including all content and other information such as but not limited to the resource materials, presentation materials, newsletters), graphical, video and audio forms, images, designs, data, and other elements available on or through the Website (together, the “Materials”), is governed by these Terms of Use (these “Terms”). The Terms of Use apply to all users and visitors to the Website. By using this Website, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these Terms.

Materials: Except for certain Materials specifically provided by the operators of this Website, materials are provided “as is” and may not be relied upon for any purpose and are not subject to express or implied warranties of any kind. A portion of the Materials includes or consists of information that has been provided by third parties and has not been validated by us, specifically Material or content available or linked to through the Website. Statements made by the team or Operating Partners are often subject to confidentiality obligations to portfolio companies, investors, funds and other parties and may be affected by those obligations, and as such we may be prohibited from making full disclosures.

Third-Party Sites: We accept no responsibility for third-party sites (linked or featured) made available through this Website. You are encouraged to review the Terms of Use policy applicable to those sites. Any use of a third-party site is subject to their own Terms of Use policy and at your own risk.

No Offer, Solicitation or Advice: No content on this Website is intended to constitute (i) an offer, or solicitation of an offer, to purchase or sell any asset or service, (ii) investment advice or an offer to provide such advice, or (iii) a basis for making any investment decision. To the extent that we are able to, the Website provides an explanation of our investment activities and focus. It is by no means comprehensive nor is it a balanced description of the full extent of Nuwa Capital’s activities.

Restrictions on Use; No License: We reserve all rights with respect to the design and content of this Website. You must not copy, misappropriate, or alter the design or content featured on this Website. In particular, you must not feature any content or design in full, nor feature any part of the Materials without adequate attribution or linking to the original content.

Ownership of Trademarks, etc.: All trademarks, trade names and logos and Materials displayed on this Website are proprietary to Ajeej Capital (DIFC) Limited, and we do not grant license to use them (see Restrictions on Use for details).

Submitting a Pitch Deck or Other Confidential Information: Non-proprietary information in Pitch decks and any information submitted to us through this Website or by any other means is not subject to any confidentiality. Please consider this carefully before sending us any information or other materials that you deem confidential or proprietary. Please note that we do not sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) for Pitch decks and any included or related information we may require as we conduct due diligence on a company.

Limitation of Liability: Neither Ajeej Capital (DIFC) Limited nor its team shall have any liability based upon your use of, or reliance upon, this website or the Materials.

Privacy Policy and Data Collection: We may collect the following information about you through your use of the Website: Information provided by filling forms (such as Pitch to Amplify, or Contact us) on the Website, including contact details; Information you submit when contacting the team; Generic website analytics and statistical data as you visit the website, in line with our analytics and mailing data collection, including but not limited to IP address, operating system, and browser type. This data does not identify you individually. We reserve the right to use this information to target your social media profiles for any outreach purposes, though we will do so mindfully.

By using this website and its features, you agree to the collection and processing of such data.

How we use information: Information collected automatically through the Website may be used to ensure the Website is presented in the most functional manner for our visitors, and to monitor and improve the Website. Information submitted through the Website may also be used for investment activities, outreach purposes, or research needed to carry out the aforementioned activities. We do not share personal information, nor do we sell any data submitted through or generated by your use of the Website. In addition, usage information or submitted information is not stored on the website. Information on website use is processed via a third-party analytics tool, and information submitted is sent through email.

Modification of these Terms: We may revise our Terms of Use policy at any time by amending this page and you are encouraged to visit the page periodically for any changes made. In addition, some of the provisions contained in this page may also be superseded by provisions or notices published elsewhere on the Website.

Ajeej Capital (DIFC) Limited and the team are third-party beneficiaries of these Terms. Any disputes relating to these Terms or your use of this Website or the Materials shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales.

Contact Information: We welcome any questions, concerns or requests regarding these Terms. Any such matters should be addressed to team@amplifygrowth.partners.

December 31, 2023 ©2023

Ajeej Capital (DIFC) Limited. All Rights Reserved.